Sunday, July 08, 2012

Whole Body Cleansing Tea!

This is a great tea that will help cleanse your system and also give your strength. I'll share the ingredients, some of their qualities and how to prepare the tea. I suggest you buy the ingredients by pound so they are cut are sifted. But you can also buy it in smaller quantities. Ingredients 1 tablespoon mound of each of the following - 1. Ginger root - helps break down mucus and a sexual stimulant 2. Dandelion root - blood cleanser 3. Burdock root - blood purifying agent 4. Elecampane root - mucus remover 5. Ashwaghanda root - immune system booster 6. Sarsaparilla root - sexual stimulant 7. Astralugus - increase energy and build resistance to weakness and disease. 8. Saw palmetto berry - revitalizes sexual organs 9. Fo Ti - Helps prevent against fatigue 10. Eleuthero - calming effects Instructions Put the herbs into a large pot. Add 8 quarts of water. Bring to a boil then reduce temperature to medium. Let simmer at medium temperature for 1 hr.

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Post Master Cleanse

Yummy! on TwitpicVeggie stew will be ready in 10 hours. Can't wait!!! on TwitpicI've been so crazy busy I forgot to post about my last few days. I finished the cleanse at the end of day 10. I feel great! I did a 1/2 ease-out process by drinking a quart of fresh squeezed orange juice and vegetable stew. 

My tongue never turned pink.

I'm so happy to be eating. Now I savor every bite. I have been enjoying watermelon lately. I swear I could eat an entire watermelon every day. I also missed drinking my green smoothies. My first smoothie off of the cleanse was kale, 1 lemon, 2 apples, 1 qt water, 2 scoops of the Ultimate Meal, & 2 bananas.

My library pics for the next few weeks :) on TwitpicWOW! Ordered the book MEDISIN online and the author sent s si... on TwitpicI had a long talk with my locktician, Moraa. She is so knowledgeable about vegan eating, herbs, and food nutrition. I have so many things to blog about! In the meantime, I need to make a dent in the pile of books I've checked out from the library and the book I purchased (Medisin). I love Link+, but ALL of the books I placed on hold came in at the same time :P. That's what I get for being curious.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Master Cleanse - Days 7-9

I am officially a "walker"! My partner and I are walking 3 miles in the morning. It feels great! Yesterday I found $5 during the walk...what an incentive. Everything is going well with the cleanse. I'm not feeling hungry, though it is difficult to cook for my family. I broke down and made nachos for my son. It was so hard to grate cheese without eating the last little bit. I love cheese. It doesn't love me.

My coworkers have been showering me with lemons from their trees. My last day is tomorrow so I will pass them along to my coworkers who have started the cleanse.  My tongue is not pink yet, but 10 days is enough. I have been reading so many vegetarian cookbooks and recipes on the internet that I am ready to try them out. I think this time around I will do the ease-out procedure. Every other time I've done the master cleanse I started eating immediately (vegetable soup). I didn't have any serious effects that I noticed, but this time I want to do it right.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Master Cleanse - Day 6

I am amazed at my stick-to-it-ness this time around with the Master Cleanse. The last time I did it, around the Christmas holiday season, it was difficult. It could have been the fact that I was on vacation and had all the time in the world to sit and think about food. My partner pointed out that around this time I usually get a little spacy (slow to respond, start forgetting things, outward appearance is lathargic, etc.), however this time, she says I look energized. I've never felt this sort of drive before. I still sit and think about food, but in a good way. I am reading a few books to learn about what my body needs and how my body responds to certain kinds of food. I am also every morning when I rise. I feel great!

I'm beginning to run out of lemons. I hope my co-workers bring in lemons from their trees. Trader Joe's lemons are .39¢ each! On the average, I use 6 to make the cup and a half that I need for the day and I still have 4 more days to go.

My skin is still broken out...but looking a little better. I'm not sure it will be clear by the end of 10 days. We shall see. My tongue is still coated white. I have the feeling that I will be doing this cleanse a bit longer until my tongue is pink again.  I found an interesting website about what the coating means. My tongue is equally thinly coated white from top to bottom, except the very outside edges (liver and gallbladder and heart areas) are pink. When I began, I quickly developed a thick coat of white. The tongue scraper became my best friend.

4 more days (or more depending on my tongue) to go! I can do it!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Master Cleanse - Day 5

Today I could not get warm. I walked around most of the day wearing a scarf, jacket, and gloves. Other than being cold, my cleanse is going well. I did my morning walk and I'm thinking of extending my 1.3 miles to a 3 mile walk. I would need to get up about 30 minutes earlier...which means an earlier bedtime. I'll try it out tomorrow.

I can't wait until my skin clears up. I have a fine layer of bumps. I know that my body is releasing toxins right now and unfortunately I have to deal with it coming out on my face and back. 5 more days to go (or longer depending on how long it takes for my tongue to turn pink). I just went to Trader Joe's to get more Grade B Maple Syrup. That stuff is not cheap at $16 a bottle. So far I have used almost 2 bottles in 5 days.

I'm still researching the best way to eat once I come off of this cleanse. I know that I don't want to go back to eating mucus producing foods. I also know that I want to be in control of my mood...instead of feeling the negative effects of food on my mood. One of my co-workers told me that I seem happy. I am :)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Master Cleanse - Day 4 & Baby Locks Update

A co-worker told me she noticed my skin is changing. By the end of the day my face is usually oily. Today, it was normal. My dry patches are almost gone and my pores are not as pronounced. I also noticed that I'm not having allergy symptoms. I actually had not paid attention to it until a co-worker came into the library with watery eyes, complaining of her persistent symptoms this week. Flatulence is nonexistent! I should have known all of those symptoms were related to my diet. Now I need to figure out what I CAN eat that will agree with my body. I want to look into Macrobiotics. It seems to fit my emerging flexitarian self.

I am loving learning more about my hair, skin, & body and what works for it. It's funny, anytime my goal has been weight loss, I fail. Now that the goal is self-care/self-love/self-discovery, I'm successful.

Oh...and best of all, now that my hair is locked, I don't waste 40 minutes in the morning trying to comb it out. I love that I can get up, either soak my hair in the shower, or let it fall with the steam, and go! I am growing to love the curly fuzzies (my baby locks). Right now I am washing my hair about every 4 days or so, which might be too much, but I love having a fresh scalp.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Master Cleanse - Day 3

This morning I woke up and it felt like I drank coffee. I don't know where this sudden burst of energy and elevated mood came from. I skipped my walk today because of the doesn't take much for me to postpone exercise (still working on that one). I felt much better not doing that salt water flush. I take 6 of the Oxy Powder pills and that does my system just fine.

I haven't been drinking extra water. As a matter of fact, its difficult for me to keep up with drinking the entire gallon of my daily portion of the Master Cleanse. I end up with a quart left by the end of the day. Yesterday I fell asleep and had 1/2 quart left. Today...about the same. Tomorrow I'm going to aim for adding more water to my day.

Today I found myself daydreaming about the last day of the cleanse. I can't wait to make my crockpot veggie stew. I have 7 days to go. I think my skin is getting better. I have been using an Oil Cleansing Method (more about that later). I've been thinking that I need to start getting more sleep. I know that would help everything. Right now I get about 5-6 hours. I should experiment one week and get 8 each day and see how that works for me. Oh...and I'm currently reading a new book, Medisin by Dr. Scott Whitaker, ND & Jose Feming, CN, MH. After viewing Food, Inc. and reading this book, I wonder what I will be able to eat. Sometimes I wish I took the blue pill.